(achamila press- Sidem( (Wisdomland
If we take olive trees, for example
as ancient fruit trees that man knew and domesticated for their goodness and the quality of their food and energy producers as well as others, and many nations considered them a blessed and sacred fruitful tree, and of the kind that man used as a symbol of peace, love, prosperity, goodness and blessing, the olive tree, for example, is able to adapt even if It was transferred when it was hundreds of years old, and experience proved that, but on the condition that the differences are not big in climate change, and, and on the condition that special care is provided for it at the beginning, such as irrigation with a special system in the early years of transportation, and excavation and uprooting are done in a special way, of course so that It does not reveal its small roots completely and remains protected with a quantity of soil that is left lumpy around the roots to protect it from exposure to air and drought
But the olive tree also when planted in a cold climate, for example in northern Europe, such as the countries of Scandinavia, the olive tree does not bear fruit and does not grow normally, but rather lives, but in a state of stunting and the inability to bear natural fruition, as is the case in hot and semi-dry areas that are suitable for this Kind of trees more than others
In order not to prolong the plant in general from the species that are subject to the direct laws of nature, which are more sensitive than others and do not have a great ability to adapt to the surrounding conditions, and their nature that imposes on them to stay in place is linked to roots in the earth, otherwise it will lose its life and this means that it will be subject to a direct influence More than us, and animals, birds and other creatures that can move and move and search for food and the best place for them to live. after checking
We find this not in the shape of the growth of the fruits and their arrangement in the form, but we also find it in the distribution system of the trunks of almost any tree or a particular plant that grows upward towards the sun’s rays
If we look at the growth path of the small branches and how they grow from the original, we will discover an amazing thing, which is that the branches grow in an upward manner from the bottom to the top in a spiral, and rotate around an axis, which is the original stem that forms the constant for them and continues its growth
And if we searched for the spiral shape that appears directly in the plant, thousands of shapes that we could not imagine existed before starting this interesting journey of knowledge and discovery in tracing the imprint of the cosmic spiral that we are targeting in this research
If we look around us quickly and directly, we can bring up many examples of plants that we see the movement of the spiral clearly and directly in its shape and the path of its movement in growth and general shape, such as cacti, and we find this shape spread in many types, and a lot of diverse plants from fruits to many from plants and the growth movement of branches in most trees, and how palm trees grow as well, and countless other forms that appear directly in front of our live observations
The effect of the law of gravity on stationary things has a more direct impact than it does on moving things, and this is what we learned from the laws of philosophical logic and the laws of the universe, including and most importantly the law of Jafr, the law of attraction and the philosophical double and intertwined between attraction and alienation
This law constitutes an important basis in understanding the nature of this movement, because the origin of gravity, as the cosmic system proves to us, is movement and transformed energy, and since movement is the main source of gravitational energy in all its visible and hidden forms, it became necessary and obligatory for us to achieve a deep understanding of this relationship and the extent of its comprehensiveness. And its impact and its difference between one phenomenon and another and one thing and another
Here we are looking at the path of cognitive boundaries on planet Earth and in the scope of life and its forms that are able to be directly observed, and plants are among the important fixed living forms on planet Earth. A precedent in their existence over the animal world in general despite their overlapping and closeness and the presence of intertwining between them, such as sea oysters, for example, which live and are linked by roots in the ground or rocks, feeding from them and absorbing a lot of materials from the rocks and places with which their roots strike and are deeply connected, and in the event of these roots being cut off, fate will be These aquatic animals are inevitable death, and these are among the organisms that the plant and animal worlds share and overlap together
We now see clearly how plants are more submissive to nature and contain an internal system that is more closely related to the laws of nature that are drained, unaware and whose space of development is less even than the presence of sensing enjoyed by other living organisms, such as primary microbes such as amoeba, bacteria and other living states
Therefore, we find the spiral shape and its profound effect is manifested in plants more clearly because they are in a sustainable, flexible movement capable of forming and adapting to the surrounding and deep conditions together, including the law of motion and gravity resulting from the movement of the deep universe (cosmic jafr) that has a deep impact on the essence of things from the inside, and reaches This form in plants reaches the climax of its impact on living organisms so that it reaches to determine the nature of their structure and the external shape of their movement in growth, development and cohesion in the form they are
The laws of the universe have a multi-dimensional effect. One of these hidden and apparent dimensions together is the gravitational spiral of the cosmic ball that includes everything that exists and is installed in front of us, and here we are walking and tracing it freely so as not to lose the pleasure of discovering at the speed of the uncontemplative path in the depth of the facts in its original homeland