Women are the flower of springtime and the charm of the world and the spirit of life.

Women are the flower of springtime and the charm of the world and the spirit of life

achamila press- Dr.Sawsan Mabrouk

The woman is the component of society, so she has complete power over him, and nothing can work in it except with her and for her. A woman is the sweetest gift that God has bestowed upon a man. A woman is the better half, whether she is unjust or oppressed. There is no great man who comes across me in life but I can confirm at once that his mother is greater than him. The greatness of a man is from the greatness of a woman, and the greatness of a woman is from the greatness of herself. The most beautiful woman is the one whose words of love tremble on her lips. In love, women forget their dignity, and in jealousy they forget their love. A woman like the moon reflects the light of the man she loves. The woman is like a rose, luring the man with its scent to sting him with her thorns. A woman is the closest to perfection, she is a medium between a man and an angel. The Woman is a book that God created, drawing its cover, and it seemed to be a trial for the onlookers. The woman is the component of society, so she has full power over him, and nothing can work in it except with her and for her. The woman is a wonderful masterpiece of the universe. Quiet women impose consideration. A man needs affection more than a woman needs it because it is lacking in him and increasing it in her. When a woman’s affection rises, she becomes tenderness. Modesty and silence are the most beautiful adornments for women. A girl’s heart is a rose that only love can open. The woman is like a wet branch, tilting to each side with the wind, but she is not broken in the storm

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